Financial information
Total OP budget: 2,667,494,916 €Total EU contribution: 2,104,926,538 €
ESF: 1,761,892,480 €YEI: 343,034,058 €
Programme description
ESF investments in Greece will address the impact of the prolonged recession, particularly in employment, as well as education, skills and life-long learning.
The operational programme "Human Resources Development, Education and Life Lifelong Learning" for the implementation of the European Social Fund and the Youth Employment Initiative (YEI) in Greece aims to tackle unemployment, focusing on creating quality education opportunities, skills upgrading and sustainable employment for all and with a view to enhance social cohesion. Its total volume is €2.104 billion of which €1.933 billion from the ESF budget and €171 million from the Youth Employment Initiative.
The programme will contribute directly or indirectly to the national objectives for employment, education and combating poverty as part of the development strategy of the Europe 2020 Strategy which in particular aims to increase the employment rate to 70%, reduce the number of people at risk of poverty or social exclusion by 450,000, reducing early school leaving to 9.7% and achieve a tertiary attainment rate of 32%.
More specifically, the programme promotes employment and supports labour mobility (53% of total funding), invests in education, skills and lifelong learning (43%), and marginally promotes social inclusion and combating poverty (3%) since such actions will be covered by the 13 Regional operational programmes and finally technical assistance (1.7%).
Main beneficiaries of the planned actions include youth not in Education, Employment and Training (NEETs) from 15-24 and from 25-29 years old, long-term unemployed, women, unemployed with low qualifications and unemployed 30-44 years, pupils and students in all levels of education, teachers and researchers.
Managing Authority of OP "Human Resources Development, Education and Lifelong Learning"
URL: Education sector: - Labour sector: Tel.: Education sector: (+30) 210 3278046 - Labour sector: (+30) 210 5201200e-mail: Education sector: - Labour sector:
Last modification date: 28/01/2016