Financial information
Total OP budget: 4,665,144,590 €Total EU contribution: 3,646,378,272 €
ERDF: 2,970,871,619 € ESF: 675,506,653 €
Main objectives
The OP should substantially contribute to the proposed shift in the growth model of the Greek economy from non-tradable into tradable sectors, and cluster development of innovative and out turned sectors with a sustainable competitive advantage. A crucial aspect of the OP is its articulation with the Regional OPs regarding the support of priorities identified through national/regional smart specialisation strategies (RIS3) at the appropriate level. EU funding will also contribute in upgrading the country's infrastructures in the sectors enhancing the development of entrepreneurship, the innovation and the outturn of the enterprises (mainly research centres, broadband and NGA infrastructures and energy efficiency interventions).
The use of Financial Instruments is foreseen in most of the specific objectives (including those relating to energy efficiency), where appropriate and depending on the results of the ongoing ex-ante assessments. The OP contributes to achieving the Europe 2020 targets for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth.
Funding priorities
The OP will contribute to promote the following key priorities:
Expected impacts
Managing Authority of OP "Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship and Innovation"
Tel.: (+30) 801 11 36300
Last modification date: 28/01/2016