The new programming period features the creation and promotion of macro-regional strategies in the context of European Territorial Cooperation.
The macro-regional strategy on the Adriatic and Ionian Region was adopted by the European Commission on 30/11/2012. The eight countries involved are Member-States, namely Greece, Italy, Slovenia and Croatia, and their neighbouring candidate countries/potential candidate countries of the Western Balkans, i.e. Serbia, Montenegro, Albania and Bosnia-Herzegovina.
The general target of the European Union Strategy for Adriatic Ionian Region (EUSAIR) is to promote economic and social prosperity through blue growth and to foster growth and employment in the Adriatic Ionian region, particularly by enhancing attractiveness, competitiveness and connectivity of the regions participating in the Strategy. The said Strategy is also expected to contribute to the European integration of the Western Balkan countries.
The EUSAIR Strategy focuses on issues of common interest for the various regions of the participating countries, whether addressing challenges and opportunities in the strategy implementation sector, or an appeal to tackle common problems and threats involving the Adriatic Ionian Region.
The Strategy is based on the following four pillars:
The horizontal issues considered include research and innovation in combination with the development of small and medium enterprises and capacity building.
Greece, in collaboration with Montenegro, has undertaken the maritime affairs pillar aiming at maximising the potential of blue economy: strengthening the small and medium enterprises operating in the region and specifically the coastal areas, protecting and extending aquaculture, developing the seafood wealth of the region with a balanced development and respect of the environment, reinforcing local economies dependent on fishing and broadening the scope of their activities reinforcing the processing businesses, as well as their trading connections, promoting research and innovation for fish farms, aquaculture and protection of the fishing capacity of the area, ensuring biodiversity and restricting pollution of the maritime and coastal areas.
The participation of our country in all pillars of the Adriatic Ionian Strategy is directly linked with the Thematic Objectives included in the Regional Operational Programmes of the Regions. The ERDF will play an important role in funding the macro-regional strategy due to the scope and direct interest in actions to be carried out in the region.
Last modification date: 19/02/2016